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What’s In That Cocktail?

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Lots of people forget about the calories that come along with favorite libations, which can spell diet disaster. With just a few tricks, though, you can still enjoy a drink now and then while keeping the calories down.

Even though the holidays are over, you may still be getting together with friends this month to celebrate the start of the New Year. But lots of people forget about the calories that come along with your favorite libations, which can spell diet disaster. While it’s important to focus on not eating too much—or the wrong things—at a party or when meeting friends for a bite to eat, keeping a close watch on liquid calories is also essential for sticking to your medical weight loss plan.  

With just a few tricks, though, you can keep the calories down. Read on for some cocktails to always avoid, along with some healthier swaps you can make when you do choose to drink. (Note: Calories are for a standard serving and are based on standard recipes.)

Not-so-wise choice…
Margarita (750 calories): The tequila and triple sec contribute roughly 500 calories, and the ½ cup of margarita limeade mix kicks it up another 250. The result? More calories than many restaurant meals.  

A better choice…
Tequila on the rocks with a splash of lime juice (110 calories).

Not-so-wise choice…
Pina Colada (400 calories): It’s the coconut cream and pineapple juice that really pile on the calories (and fat) with this drink. If your bartender adds whipped cream on top, add another 40 calories.

A better choice…
Vodka and seltzer water with a splash of pineapple juice (110 calories).

Not-so-wise choice…
Hot Chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps (380 calories): When the temperature drops, warm up with a festive hot drink, right? Wrong. The high sugar content in the hot chocolate makes this a choice you’ll regret.

A better choice…
Bailey’s Irish Cream and hot coffee (120 calories).

Not-so-wise choice…
Mai Tai (350 calories): This popular festive drink piles on the calories with lots of sweet juice and alcohol.

A better choice…
Mimosa (Champagne with orange juice) (85 calories).

And some parting advice…
Generally, the sweeter a drink, the more calories it contains. Whenever possible, swap in diet soda or soda water for juice, regular soda, or standard mixers. Light beer and wine are also better choices and clock in at around 80 to 100 calories per serving. The traditional diet favorite—the white wine spritzer—is a good choice. Also, make sure you drink a glass of water with your cocktail and in-between drinks as well. But the best advice of all? Always drink in moderation.

Next Steps:

See whether super berries work for weight loss.
Try these 4 tips to boost your metabolism.
Find a center near you to schedule a consultation with a CMWL doctor.


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